An International conference for experts on church life in rural areas in Europe
At this Conference, we will focus on the connection between Structure and Identity. This dialectic is essential for the development of the rural churches. You will meet participants from the churches of Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, England, Scotland, Germany and Denmark. The conference will contain keynote lectures, group reflections and possibilities of sharing experiences.
Leitung: Matthias Tolsdorf, Joachim Kretschmar, Nora Steen
Veranstalter: Zentrum für Mission und Ökumene, Evangelische Akademie der Nordkirche, Christian Jensen Kolleg
Anmeldung: bis 15.08., oder 04671 9112-0
Teilnahmekosten: 380 € inklusive Unterbringung und Verpflegung im Tagungszentrum in Lögumkloster